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Exchange of pussy and ass licks in lesbian threesomes compilation

    User: Orwasonday
Added: 3 years
Views: 175 564
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9 months

AS A YOUNG WOMEN my g/friend told about an incident that happened to her at the fire brigade training centre there were six lesbians long weekend from friday to tuesday there was a lesbian lovein I.E. a lesbian orgy she told me that two instructors (female) had taken a liking to her as the lovein orgy went on these two instructors tried everything to be with her in the end they gave up so they both made love to her like laying with her tits her arse or ass as the yanks say then they both started to eat or lick her pussy at the same time JAYNE has told me it was great she felt like all her birthdays and christmas`s came at once JAYNE said she had so many ORGASMS that she could not move because she could not move they just kept licking away at her finally after four hours of having her pussy and arse ass eaten she pushed them away jayne said she could hardly stand but eventually the feeling in legs came back the her and a another student got together